A Physical Damage In Consciousness Is Causing Conflicts In Humans!

3 min readSep 16, 2021

No need to accept this. Just understanding is enough

Perhaps not an hour passes without seeing or hearing of human conflicts around us, whether individually or in groups, and of course, also about the constant futile efforts to resolve them. The reason is unbelievable.

A part of Consciousness often replays the same recordings of old of perceptions even in new situations in most people. It is causing unalterable and highly rigid differences in perception, called ‘conditioning’ obviously resulting in conflicts among humans. Needless to state, this rigidity is adding further to the already existing difficulties of the invisible Consciousness to think or discuss freely about itself.

So there is no point in blaming any one for our predicament or that of mankind. It is the physical damage to the physical entity called Consciousness that is responsible for all the chaos and destruction. Only scientific investigation can help find a scientific and final resolution to the problem. It is the Consciousness that is damaged and is limping. We have to focus on it.

Ancient Indian Saints called it in Sanskrit as ‘Poorvagraha’ and described it as the only problem of mankind. It is the ‘partial or total obstruction of perception of new physical and intellectual matter and situations, caused by constant & active replay of some old knowledge in memory, generally of the same area or group of knowledge’.

Great Philosopher J Krishnamurti (1895–1986) called it as the ‘Conditioning of Consciousness’, cautioning that not mere ‘intellectual understanding’ of the problem, but a physical mutation only can set right the problem. This author humbly claims of advancement in explanations.

As per Ancient Indian Psychology, Human Consciousness or the ‘I’ is a form of the same energy that is inherited from the Cosmos. Among the Consciousnesses in all moving living beings, Human Consciousness seems strongest and a near independent driving force. Yet, its inherent natural stability seems waning due to avoidable errors in upbringing, but it is Self-Regainable later. Understanding the invisible Consciousness remains a very big challenge to mankind.

Conditioning causes ‘Inaccurate Performance or Functional Inaccuracy’ of Consciousness, due to its ‘structural aberration’. Comparing the process of a computer can help in understanding the process of the human mind. ‘External events and our response or behavior’ are like the ‘input and output’ of a computer.

There are 2 Regular Functions of All Consciousnesses, namely Perceptions and Responses. Further, the Perception has 2 Modes as below. Normal Consciousnesses toggle between them constantly, for the accurate perception needed for a Conflict Free Human Life. Restful or Free Mode of Consciousness helps clean the mind from previous images for clarity of new images.

1. Knowledge-Free Mode or Childlike Perception, which is its Default or Restful mode (see pic)

2. Knowledge Mode or Intellectual Perception, which is its Regular Inter-Active mode.

So, presently mankind can be said to be living with Partial Freedom in Safe but Limited Areas of Knowledge, by forfeiting its natural entitlement of Absolute Freedom of Perception In All Areas of Knowledge (AFP). Needless to state, Religion and Politics are the main Knowledge areas, where mankind has been losing or lacking its Absolute Freedom lifelong. Besides, since most intellectual areas are inter-connected directly or through people, the ‘conditioning’ is often affecting parts of all areas of human activities throughout life.

Hinduism can be said to be a oldest Universal, Scientific and Complete Religion, which has got ‘intellectually evolved’ by Self-less Consciousness(es) also over the millennia. It is clear that it covers and contains intellectual explanation of both States of Unconditioned Consciousness (Jeevan Muktas) and Partly Conditioned State of Consciousness (Theists, Atheists, Agnostics and of various intellectual denominations).

Therefore, it can be said to cover entire human population intellectually, whether it is acceptable or not. There is no point in taking only one part and ignoring the other. Worse still, is pitting one against the other. What is needed for peace and progress is the elimination of Conditioning and nothing else, for human peace and welfare.

