Hinduism — A Graphic Description

4 min readDec 25, 2017


Understanding Hinduism is merely a step away from understanding Human Psychology itself.

Hinduism is one of the numerous segments of human Knowledge that hasn’t been fully and clearly understood by mankind. It is also because of the enormous additions that are inaccurate, irrelevant and digressive. This is an attempt to ignore, remove or separate them and focus only on those segments of Knowledge that are Accurate, Brief, Clear, Dexterous, Effective and useful for a happy and peaceful life of all.

There is no exact definition for Hinduism. However, all those who are born in the geographical region to those, who have not left Hinduism or joined any other religion are generally called as Hindus.

One’s views, opinions and conditioning can vary and remain anywhere in the Knowledge Spectrum, which do not matter for being a Hindu, because the spectrum itself is unlimited (!). However, one’s strength, stability and freedom of consciousness remains optimum when the Consciousness is fully free from conditioning.

Actuality and Concept of Liberation, as being free from the ‘bondage of Knowledge itself’ is also a part of this Knowledge Bank or Hinduism. This uniqueness and specialty has remained because, it had naturally and enormously grown up, much before the ‘conditioning due to damage to consciousness’ became so much rampant. Needless to say, this rampant ‘conditioning’ has been successfully preventing the advancement of human psychology and liberation of mankind.

There is no single founder, time or place of beginning of Hinduism. Border or limit less spectrum of views, opinions and beliefs, Dharma and also the concept of ultimate liberation etc., are all part of Hinduism, which began to be called or named so, long long after it began to exist in this region and surroundings.

So, no one can claim one’s version is final, authentic or correct. This is a macro or Bird’s eye view of the dynamics and effects of the Conditioning of Consciousness and specifically to Religious Knowledge.

Any Knowledge, whether Religious or otherwise is always ‘static’, and hence can neither ‘enslave nor liberate’ mankind. It is the damaged, weak and unstable Consciousness that gets enslaved or conditioned by any knowledge.

Dynamic’ Consciousness is the user of the ‘static’ Knowledge in memory, for its function of ‘thought, speech and action’. One, who understands this can’t blame any Knowledge (or Religion). It is the Consciousness that uses Knowledge as a ‘tool, vehicle or even like a consumable’. Understanding Psychology is nothing but understanding the roles of Consciousness and Knowledge only.

Those, who blame Knowledge or Religions for their plight, are generally disappointed and frustrated people, who themselves (whose consciousness) are obviously damaged. Irrespective of its quality, Knowledge is always harmless, because it is static. It is even more absurd to blame Hinduism for one’s plight, because that Religion alone has the broadest and unlimited spectrum (?) of Knowledge from Theism to Atheism to choose, as well as ‘absolute freedom or liberation’ from the gamut of entire Knowledge itself. After all, again Knowledge is no more than a mere tool.

Worshiping ‘duality or non-duality’ both are same, as both are attempts of temporary escape from ‘boredom or misery’, though in the garb or with a hope of permanent liberation.

‘Duality’ is like saying that the ‘I’ and God are always separate and by constantly worshiping ‘God’, I may become that some day. Though ‘worshiping duality’ is common to all Religions, Hinduism is a little more advanced. Hinduism smacks of the additional knowledge of the scope and possibility of ‘non-duality’ or liberation also.

In other words, this concept is all inclusive and encompassing the whole of mankind, evidently because this concept began thousands of years ago, even before it was called or named ‘Hinduism’. Vasudaiva Kutumbakam, and Sarvejana Sukhino Bhavanthu are the key notes or principles of this concept.

It is often intriguing that people sitting at one end of the knowledge spectrum, often consider others sitting at the far end of the same spectrum, as inferior or even infidels. This is the ‘conditioning’ of every one, on which no has any control and merely blaming them for this is utterly absurd and foolish.

Believers, Non-believers, agnostics of various classes and grades are equal in Hinduism and so, one class shouldn’t claim as the sole representative of Hinduism and dominate over others. If one class thinks they are only correct and legitimate and all others are inferior, it is dangerous to all. This leads to retaliations. One may have any kind of belief, but should behave peacefully, harmoniously and with respects towards all.

Freedom, option and choice of possibilities available would have been same and equal for entire mankind, if everyone was raised without any damage to Consciousness and thereby without the vulnerability to its ‘conditioning’. Such a free or unfragmented Consciousness remain bound or restrained, even when it is allowed only the ‘restricted quality and quantity of knowledge’ as explained below.

Also available at: https://www.quora.com/Can-Hinduism-be-explained-graphically/answer/Pras-Anna-3?srid=oMDW

for more : naturalmindsite.wordpress.com naturalmind.org

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